
  • Python (Django, Flask, Tensorflow)
  • JavaScript
  • Deep Learning
  • Docker
  • OOP
  • SQL
  • HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
  • Machine Learning

Work Experience

MGS Software - Web Developer Intern (Aug 2021 – Oct 2021)

  • Developed a full-stack blog website using Python Flask Framework and Bootstrap (MGSBlog).
  • Created a Meeting Algorithm application with Python. Meeting Algorithm simply telling people to whom to talk and when to talk. The goal is simply to make everyone talk to each other in the shortest time.

Gencpa Technology - Full Stack Developer (July 2023 – March 2024)

  • Developed an eCommerce Website using MVC .NET.
  • I have done every kind of backend task for an eCommerce System and some data analysis. The software team was small, so we handled whatever the system needed, taking on a wide range of tasks. Through this experience, I learned how to develop an eCommerce system and understand its requirements.


Market Project - Python Django Full Stack Development (Apr 2023)

  • A web application of a shopping website that allows users to buy and sell items, update and delete their own items and contact with the item’s sellers.
  • Made with Python Django, Tailwind CSS, HTML, Bootstrap and Docker.

Blog Project - Python Django Full Stack Development (Mar 2023)

  • A web application of a blog website with Django that allows users to register and login, write their own blogs, publish them, update and delete them and allows admins to manage all blogs and websites. Made with Django, HTML, Bootstrap and Docker.

DermDetect - Django Development, Model training (June 2024)

  • Developed a capstone project: a mobile application using React Native and Python Django for classifying skin conditions into Melanoma, Acne, and Healthy skin.
  • Utilized the state-of-the-art deep learning model MobileNetV2 for accurate classification.

Project Library - Python Flask Full-Stack Development (Aug 2022)

  • A Python Flask web application of a library that is capable of providing you to register and login, loan books as a user, add and manage books as an admin using OpenCV and Tesseract OCR image processing and some more features.
  • Technologies: Python, Flask, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, MySQL, OpenCV, Tesseract OCR

Shopping Cart - Javascript Web Development (Dec 2022)

  • A web application of a shopping cart made with vanilla Javascript, HTML and CSS.


Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University

Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science, 2020–2024